Senin, 21 Desember 2009
Skyscrapers In Jakarta
many villagers think that in Jakarta is the place to speculate as to work in Jakarta from producing any money. because injakarta just begging can yield duit.dan many people who take shortcuts with the losers act of evil to other people without thinking due to the action them.
We do not just look at the advantages a big city like Jakarta which has a skyscraper, but we also see the result. a lot of rundown buildings his community are too forced myself to stay in the capital.
its many levels of poverty and its many skyscrapers make too visible between the rich and the only skyscraper poor.building are mostly in the main streets which are in the center of the country. skyscraper architecture for reliable ole in Indonesia sometimes even We bring the outside architecture of the building.frame examples taken from the bones or framework of an animal. very sturdy skyscrapers and towering stands high.make we are proud to see it. skyscraper not be one symbol of the developing countries.
we as citizens of Indonesia should banng and love of our country from small things such as keeping the facilities, the government has built for the people and we use it well.
Minggu, 20 Desember 2009
Vacation on Tangkuban Perahu
If I came off vocation to a coder place that can make my heart became quite with only the sight,where I was favaurite tangkuban perahu,located in west java.iam very comfortable there,because is for from bandung city is still about an hour.
In tangkuban perahu we can see the creater of sulfur and enjoy the cool air ,drinking coffee.we also can ride horses and tour the area while the scene there.we can buy flowers aedellwaise that we can only meet in the cold.entry fee is also cheap in expensive.after me from tangkuban perahu hot bath water ciater the sulfur directly.derived from the mountain.who works for skin disease.
Tangkuban perahu want to make us go back there,and maku us forget that we are bored.tangkuban perahu natural and make us miss the back on the nature.
Rabu, 16 Desember 2009
The Meaning of Mission for Companies
Importance of Mission :
Benefits from a strong mission
Unanimity of purpose
Resource allocation
Organizational climate
Focal point for work structure
Mission Statement Examples :
The Bellevue Hospital, w/ respect, compassion, integrity, n courage, honors the individuality n confidentiality of our patients, employess, n community, n is progressive in anticipating n providing future health care services.
Mission&Costumer Orientation (Vern McGinnis):
Define what the organization is
Define what it aspires to be
Limited to exclude some ventures
Broad enough to allow for growth
Distinguishes firm from all others
Stated clearly-understood by all
Causes of Stress
A. General causes
A perceived threat will lead a person to feel stressed. This can include physical threats, social threats, financial threat, and so on. In particular it will be worse when the person feels they have no response that can reduce the threat, as this affects the need for a sense of control. Generally speaking, any threat to needs is likely to lead to stress being experienced.
Threat can lead to fear, which again leads to stress. Fear leads to imagined outcomes, which are the real source of stress.
When we are not certain, we are unable to predict, and hence feel we are not in control, and hence may feel fear or feel threatened by that which is causing the uncertainty.
Cognitive dissonance
When there is a gap between what we do and what we think, then we experience cognitive dissonance, which is felt as stress. Thus, if I think I am a nice person then do something that hurts someone else, I will experience dissonance and stress.
Dissonance also occurs when we cannot meet our commitments. We believe we are honest and committed, but when circumstances prevent us from meeting our promises we are faced with the possibility of being perceived as dishonest or incapable (ie. a social threat).
Life causes
There are many causes of stress in life including:
- Death: of spouse, family, friend
- Health: injury, illness, pregnancy
- Crime: Sexual molestation, mugging, burglary, pick-pocketed
- Self-abuse: drug abuse, alcoholism, self-harm
- Family change: separation, divorce, new baby, marriage
- Sexual problems: getting partner, with partner
- Argument: with spouse, family, friends, co-workers, boss
- Physical changes: lack of sleep, new work hours
- New location: vacation, moving house
- Money: lack of it, owing it, investing it
- Environment change: in school, job, house, town, jail
- Responsibility increase: new dependent, new job
B. Stress at work
The UK's Health and Safety Executive lists six key stress factors:
1. The demands of the job
2. The control staff have over how they do their work
3. The support they receive from colleagues and superiors
4. Their relationships with colleagues
5. Whether they understand their roles and responsibilities
6. How far the company consults staff over workplace changes.
Other stress indicators at work include:
- Sickness absence
- High staff turnover
- Poor communication between teams
- Bullying
- Lack of feedback on performance
- Value and contribution
- Technological change
- Lack of clarity of roles and responsibilities
- Dissatisfaction with non-monetary benefits
- Working long hours
- Boring and mundane work
- One-off incidents
- Uncomfortable workplace
- Lack of training
The Effect of Industrial Pollution
Pollutants given off by various industries and factories are often considered to be one of the prime factors contributing to air, water and soil pollution. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), it has been estimated that industrial pollution is responsible for almost 50 percent of the pollution present in the United States. There are various wide-ranging effects, as well as serious consequences, of industrial pollution on the ecological balance of the atmosphere.
A. Global Warming
Global warming is one of the most common and serious consequences of industrial pollution. The emission of various greenhouse gases such as CO2, methane (CH4), among others from various industries, increases the overall temperature of the earth, resulting in global warming. Global warming has various serious hazards, both on the environment as well as on human health. It results in melting of glaciers and snow-capped mountains, causing an increase of the water levels in seas and rivers, thereby increasing the chances of flood. Apart from this, global warming also has numerous health risks on humans, such as increase of diseases such as malaria and dengue, cholera, Lyme disease and plague, among others.
B. Air Pollution
Industrial pollution, as stated above, is one of the major causes of air pollution. With the increase in the number of industries and factories due to the industrial revolution; air pollution also has increased significantly. The emissions from various industries contain large amounts of gases such as carbon dioxide, sulphur and nitrogen, among others. These gases, when present in elevated levels in the atmosphere, often result in various environmental and health hazards such as acid rain, and various skin disorders in individuals.
C. Water Pollution
Pollution emitted from the industries is also one of the major factors contributing towards water pollution. Dumping of various industrial waste products into water sources, and improper contamination of industrial wastes, often result in polluting the water. Such water pollution disturbs the balance of the ecosystem inside, resulting in the death of various animal and plant species present in the water.
D. Soil Pollution
Soil pollution is defined as a phenomenon is which the soil loses its structure and fertility due to various natural and artificial reasons. Dumping of industrial wastes is one of the prime factors contributing towards soil pollution. Industrial wastes contain large amounts of various chemicals which get accumulated on the top layer of the soil, resulting in loss of fertility of the soil. Such loss of fertility ultimately results in changes in the ecological balances of the environment due to reduction in plant growth.
E. Other Common Effects
Certain other common effects of industrial pollution include damaging buildings and structures, increasing the risk of various occupational hazards such as asbestosis, pneumoconiasis, among others.
Kamis, 19 November 2009
Perkembangan Perbankan di Indonesia
Sekilas sejarah ringkas perbankan di Indonesia
Periode I : Jaminan penjajahan Belanda sampai kependudukan Jepang. Banyak beroperasinya bank-bank milik Belanda (De Java Bank, De Nederlandsche Handel Maatschappij, De Nationale Handelsbank dan Escompto Bank) dan bank-bank lain yang berasal dari Inggris, Australia dan Cina. Namun ada juga bank milik pribumi yaitu Bank Desa, Lumbung Desa dan Alegemene Volkscredietbank AVB).
Periode II : Pada tahun pertama pendududkan Jepang, kantor-kantor bank ditutup. Pada tanggal 20 Oktober 1942 semua bank Belanda, Inggris dilikwidasi namun AVB tidak dilikwidasi.
Periode III : Dibukanya Bank Industri Negara yang bergerak di bidang pembelanjaan pembangunan khususnya industri dan pertambangan.
Periode IV : Merupakan periode orde baru, dimana perekonomian terpimpin diganti menjadi perekonomian yang lebih demokratis. Bank-bank pemerintah pun dikembalikan menjadi bank umum dengan tugas khusus.
Kondisi Perbankan Semakin Membaik
Kondisi perbankan di Indonesia semakin membaik meski tekanan krisis keuangan global semakin terasa. Hal tersebut terlihat dari berkurangnya keketatan likuiditas perbankan dan tumbuhnya total kredit perbankan.
Deputi Gubernur Bank Indonesia (BI) Mulyaman D Hadad mengatakan, berdasarkan data perkembangan terakhir, keketatan likuiditas sudah berkurang. "Dalam 2 bulan terakhir likuiditas mulai berkurang, tapi masih menjadi perhatian kita," kata Mulyaman.
Bertambahnya likuiditas perbankan tersebut karena ada pelonggaran ketentuan Giro Wajib Minimum (GWM) dan peningkatan Dana Pihak Ketiga (DPK), sedangkan total kredit tahun per tahun tumbuh 37,1 persen. Kredit investasi juga mencatat pertumbuhan tahunan tertinggi 42,9 persen, kredit modal kerja tumbuh 39 persen, kredit konsumsi tumbuh 33 persen.
Adapun tingkat kredit macet (Non Performing Loan/NPL) relatif stabil 3,9 persen. Kecukupan modal perbankan (CAR) juga masih tinggi mencapai 16 persen.
"Risiko kredit dan risiko pasar masih tergolong rendah, namun berpotensi meningkat apabila pemburukan ekonomi global berlanjut," tutur Mulyaman.
Lebih lanjut Mulyaman memperkirakan, jika pertumbuhan ekonomi berada di kisaran 4,9-5 persen, pertumbuhan kredit bisa mencapai 15-20 persen di tahun 2009 mendatang.
BI Rate Naik, Bagaimana Kondisi Perbankan Indonesia?
(Vibiznews - Banking) - Rapat Dewan Gubernur (RDG) Bank Indonesia pada hari ini, 5 Juni 2008, memutuskan untuk menaikkan BI Rate sebesar 25 bps menjadi 8,50%. Kenaikan BI Rate ini ditetapkan setelah mencermati perkembangan terkini baik perekonomian global maupun domestik.
"Masih tingginya harga komoditas energi dan bahan pangan dunia serta dampak kenaikan harga BBM memberikan tekanan pada inflasi di tahun 2008. Bank Indonesia juga melihat bahwa tren peningkatan permintaan domestik turut memberikan tekanan pada inflasi inti. Perkembangan ini mendasari pertimbangan Bank Indonesia untuk menaikkan BI Rate pada bulan ini," demikian disampaikan Gubernur Bank Indonesia, Boediono
Boediono selanjutnya menyampaikan, "Inflasi pada 2008 kemungkinan akan meningkat pada kisaran 11,5-12,5% (yoy). Namun kami memperkirakan bahwa dengan berbagai kebijakan yang telah dan akan dilakukan, baik oleh Bank Indonesia maupun Pemerintah, inflasi akan kembali mengarah ke satu digit di tahun 2009 pada kisaran 6,5%±1%. Bank Indonesia akan memfokuskan pada upaya meredam dampak tidak langsung dari kenaikan harga BBM dan pangan. Untuk itu, Bank Indonesia akan memanfaatkan secara optimal seluruh piranti moneter yang ada, baik melalui BI Rate, pengendalian volatilitas nilai tukar, penyerapan ekses likuiditas, optimalisasi Operasi Pasar Terbuka (OPT), maupun kebijakan-kebijakan lainnya."
Selanjutnya, dalam rangka optimalisasi pengendalian OPT, maka terhitung sejak tanggal 9 Juni 2008, Bank Indonesia akan melakukan perubahan sasaran operasional dari suku bunga SBI 1 bulan menjadi suku bunga Pasar Uang Antar Bank Overnight (PUAB O/N). Dengan perubahan tersebut, Bank Indonesia akan menjaga pergerakan suku bunga PUAB O/N disekitar level BI Rate", demikian tambah Boediono.
"Penerapan inflation targeting framework dalam rejim nilai tukar mengambang bebas akan tetap menjadi pegangan Bank Indonesia. Upaya menjaga volatilitas nilai tukar merupakan unsur penting dari kebijakan tersebut dalam menurunkan tekanan inflasi. Ke depan, Bank Indonesia melihat ruang bagi apresiasi rupiah, sejalan dengan dukungan Neraca Pembayaran Indonesia (NPI)", tambah Boediono.
Inflasi IHK Mei 2008 secara bulanan berada jauh di atas pola historisnya dan meningkat menjadi 1,41% dari 0,57% di bulan sebelumnya. Sementara itu, secara tahunan, inflasi Mei 2008 tercatat sebesar 10,38% atau meningkat signifikan dibanding inflasi tahunan bulan sebelumnya (8,96%). Dengan perkembangan tersebut, inflasi year-to-date sampai dengan bulan Mei 2008 telah mencapai 5,47%.
Kenaikan harga BBM bersubsidi di akhir bulan memberi dampak yang signifikan pada peningkatan laju inflasi Mei 2008. Aksi menaikkan harga berbagai komoditas menjelang kenaikan harga BBM berkontribusi terhadap tingginya inflasi Mei 2008. Mengingat bahwa dampak kenaikan BBM diperkirakan belum sepenuhnya terefleksi pada inflasi di bulan Mei 2008 maka tekanan inflasi akibat kenaikan harga BBM diperkirakan masih akan berlanjut kembali di bulan-bulan selanjutnya.
Dampak Peningkatan Inflasi Terhadap Dunia Perbankan
(Vibiznews – Banking) – Bagaimana dampak atas kenaikan inflasi yang diumumkan oleh BPS kemarin? Apakah hal ini berpengaruh signifikan terhadap dunia perbankan? Tentunya pertanyaan ini menjadi pertanyaan besar dalam benak kita semua. NPL perbankan asing mengalami peningkatan dalam kuartal pertama ini disertai dengan turunnya asset serta laba perbankan dibandingkan dengan periode sebelumnya.
Sebagai contoh : Citibank, mencatatkan peningkatan NPL gross menjadi 7,33% dari posisi sebelumnya 4,75%. NPL net meningkat menjadi 0,99% dari sebelumnya 0%. Rasio kredit terhadap dana pihak ketiga bank tersebut juga menurun menjadi 73,60% dari semula 81,43%, demikian juga net interest margin (NIM) menjadi 7,95% dari 8,85%. Nilai aset Citibank dari posisi akhir tahun lalu Rp45,02 triliun menurun pada akhir kuartal pertama menjadi Rp43,14 triliun. Namun, secara year-on-year aset mengalami kenaikan dibandingkan dengan Maret 2007 sebesar Rp37,92 triliun.
HSBC mencatatkan kenaikan NPL gross dari posisi semula 10% menjadi 11%. Namun, indikator keuangan lainnya, seperti DPK, realisasi kredit dan laba mengalami kenaikan. Sedangkan. kenaikan NPL terbesar kategori bank asing dialami Standard Chartered dari posisi Maret 2007 pada level 4,2% menjadi 6,29% (y-o-y). Sementara itu, ABN Amro meski mengalami penurunan NPL gross, rasio kredit bermasalah net-nya mengalami kenaikan dari 0,51% menjadi 0,58%.
Hal ini menandakan rendahnya kemampuan masyarakat dalam membayarkan kredit. Hal ini ditopang oleh nilai uang yang semakin tidak berarti dalam era modern ini dikarenakan inflasi telah menggerogoti nilai mata uang Indonesia. Ditambah lagi, semakin banyak pengannguran yang tercipta akibat inflasi
Pihak Bank Indonesia sedang mempertimbangkan sebuah kebjakan moneter sebagai aksi atas efek dari kenaikan harga BBM Bersubsidi 28,7 persen pada 23 Mei lalu. Beberapa pilihannya antara lain adalah instrument suku bunga dan likuiditas. Kebijakan ini diambil agar kenaikan harga BBM tidak akan merembet kemana-mana. Tentunya hal ini harus diimbangi dengan tindakan bantuan dari pemerintah sehingga tidak hanya menggunakan instrument moneter guna mengatasi inflasi. Mungkin instrument fiskal tepat untuk dilakukan.
Tindakan BI jika menaikan suku bunga akan membuat dunia pasar modal menjadi semakin terkoreksi menuju titik terendah. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan pengumuman tingkat inflasi yang telah merendahkan Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan pada perdagangan kemarin. Kebijakan Bank Indonesia dalam menaikan suku bunga akan menambah beban yang akan ditanggung oleh Bank Indonesia dalam membayarkan bunga sehingga posisi ini akan membuat Bank Indonesia mengalami defisit dalam laporan keuangan yang mereka laporkan.
Sumber :
http://www. an investment & financial web from
buku ekonomi uang dan bank. Penerbit Gunadarma
Senin, 16 November 2009
Minggu, 15 November 2009
Vision & Mission
Mission Statement Examples :
The Bellevue Hospital, w/ respect, compassion, integrity, n courage, honors the individuality n confidentiality of our patients, employess, n community, n is progressive in anticipating n providing future health care services.
Importance of Mission :
Benefits from a strong mission
-Unanimity of purpose
-Resource allocation
-Organizational climate
-Focal point for work structure
Mission&Costumer Orientation (Vern McGinnis):
-Define what the organization is
-Define what it aspires to be
-Limited to exclude some ventures
-Broad enough to allow for growth
Distinguishes firm from all others
-Stated clearly-understood by all
Kamis, 29 Oktober 2009
Reply Letter
Jl. H. Ung No. L12
Our ref : WP/DC/22C
October 25, 2009
Jl. Pemancar 1 Bintaro
Jakarta Selatan 10650
Dear Mr. Teddo,
Subject : Purchase Order No. 234 SC
We are pleased to acknowledge your order of October 16, 2009 for :
50 | Washing SHARP | A 1135 | 250 | 12500 |
50 | Washing DENPOO | B 250 | 200 | 10000 |
50 | Washing ELECTROLUX | Z 125 | 300 | 15000 |
100 | Vacum SHARP | T 225 | 150 | 15000 |
50 | Vacum SANYO | V 1654 | 150 | 7500 |
TOTAL ($) | 60000 |
We enclose our pro-forma invoice as requested in your letter. The goods will be despatched by train on receipt of your banker's transfer.
Yours Sincerely,
Mrs. Weny
Marketing Manager
enc. 1
Kamis, 22 Oktober 2009
Purchase Order
Jl. Pemancar 1 Bintaro
Jakarta Selatan 10650
No. 234 SC
October 16, 2009
To : Meteo Magic Cleaner Ltd.
Jl. H. Ung No. L12
Subject : Purchase Order
Your order are as follows :
50 | Washing SHARP | A 1135 | 250 | 12500 |
50 | Washing DENPOO | B 250 | 200 | 10000 |
50 | Washing ELECTROLUX | Z 125 | 300 | 15000 |
100 | Vacum SHARP | T 225 | 150 | 15000 |
50 | Vacum SANYO | V 1654 | 150 | 7500 |
TOTAL ($) | 60000 |
Delivery Terms For.Indonesia Raya LTD
required warehouse address
October 30,2009 2 weeks Jl. Pemancar 1 Bintaro
from Jakarta Selatan 10650
Order Letter
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Your ref. : MP/DC/21
October 17, 2009
Mrs. Weny Silvia
Thank you for your letter of October 15, enclosing your catalogue, price-list, terms of payment, and therms of delivery.
We enclose our official purchase order and shall pay for the cleaner equipment by banker’s transfer on receipt of your pro-formainvoice and request delivery with in two weeks. I don’t forget to tell the transport methods.
Sincerely yours,